March 2023

Organic offensive with organic filter lids in Aschaffenburg

Against bioplastics in the organic waste bin and for a better service to the citizen: 15800 tags will soon be attached to every organic waste bin in Aschaffenburg to point out the correct separation and hygienic collection with bio-filter lids.

Stadtwerke Aschaffenburg (STA) is taking action against bioplastics and plastic bags in organic waste with an information campaign. Unfortunately, many citizens are still unaware that the supposedly compostable bio-bags also pose major challenges for the waste management companies. Bioplastics do not rot in composting - at least not in the 90 days available in the composting plant. Likewise, the bio-plastic bag, like normal plastic bags of course, and other interfering materials have to be separated at great expense for fermentation and later further processing.

It is important that citizens actively support a (bio-)plastic-free collection of organic waste in order to obtain valuable compost and biogas. People who buy a bio-plastic bag for their organic waste want to separate properly and often just lack the right information to improve the collection of organic waste in a sustainable way. The tag on the organic waste bin is the most direct communication with citizens. The bio-filter lid is designed to help citizens in Aschaffenburg to separate correctly by avoiding bad smells and maggots.

The food leftovers that end up in the bio bin are thus recycled in a very sensible way, while food leftovers in the residual waste bin are incinerated.

Further organic campaigns with the bio-filter lid and trailers for a more waste-free organic collection will take place in spring, among others with the ASF-Schleswig, the LK Unstrut-Hainich and many other municipalities and districts.

The trailers for these campaigns will be designed by our own graphics department in close consultation with the municipalities and in the CI of the businesses, and will be made available free of charge (printed in a CO2 neutral way).

Organic offensive with organic filter cover in Aschaffenburg
Organic offensive with organic filter cover in Aschaffenburg
Förderverein VKU Abfallwirtschaft und Stadtsauberkeit VKS e.V DIN EN ISO 9001 + 14001 + 45001 zertifiziert