Field reports on the bio-filter lid: Landkreis Waldshut

Cornelia Umlauf
District Office Waldshut
Own waste management company / Waste management office
The biofilter lid contributes significantly to a stronger acceptance of the organic waste garbage can.
The organic waste garbage can was introduced in the district of Waldshut in 2019 on a voluntary basis. From the beginning, it was decided in the district council to equip the organic garbage cans with filter lids.
Approximately 13,500 organic garbage cans were equipped with filters in the 60 and 120 l size and approximately 5,500 organic garbage cans in the 240 l size were equipped with filters.
With the introduction of the organic waste garbage can, the weekly emptying interval for the residual waste garbage can was changed from weekly to fortnightly. This new emptying interval then also applied to the organic waste garbage can. In order to achieve the desired acceptance of the organic waste garbage can among citizens, it was also intensively advertised with the hygienic advantages of the filter lid.
**Despite two very hot summers in a row, there have been practically no complaints from citizens about maggot infestation or unpleasant odors.
Connection rate increased from 38% in 2019 (introduction) to 45% within three years.
The fact that the organic waste garbage can is accepted by households is shown, among other things, by the fact that the connection rate increased from 38% in 2019 (introduction) to 45% within three years. This is also due, among other things, to the fact that the biofilter lid contributes to the desired hygiene. Thus, the amount of bio-waste could be increased from 37 kg/a per inhabitant to 51.49 kg/a per inhabitant within only three years.
The regular replacement of the filter material
The regular exchange of the filter material is ensured by sales points in supermarkets. The exchange is carried out by the households themselves. The filter elements are delivered in a PE bag with bar codes. The filter material is ordered by the waste management company and delivered to the points of sale by the waste disposal company's container exchange service. The advertising for the regular replacement of the filter material is also organized by Eigenbetrieb Abfallwirtschaft through regular notices in the daily newspapers, the official gazettes, the homepage and via messages on the free waste app. This was also a prerequisite for the companies to agree to include the filter material for sale in their range of goods.
Possible problems with organic waste collection in summer and winter are countered with a broad band of publicity information. Regularly before the start of summer and winter, tips and tricks for the use of the organic waste garbage can in summer/winter are placed via advertisements in the daily newspaper, press releases are issued to the official gazettes and information is provided on the homepage and via the app. Of course, there are still occasional problems with maggot infestation due to a location in the sun or because maggots are already in the organic waste due to a collection of the organic material in the kitchen without a lid container. It is also possible that the contents of the organic waste garbage can freeze completely, causing lids to break in isolated cases or filter lids to come off - not least due to the weather conditions, which are certainly more extreme in the Black Forest than elsewhere. However, this is also the case with containers with standard lids.
**Overall, the bio-filter lid contributes significantly to a stronger acceptance of the bio-bin in the LK Waldshut.
Info about the bio-filter lid at the destrict of Waldshut:
Contact person
Cornelia Umlauf
District Office Waldshut
Own waste management company / Waste management office
Phone +49 7751 865440